Weekend Recap

Monday, June 6, 2016

Happy Monday, lovelies! I'm exhausted this morning because we got home from being out of town at 1am this morning and unpacking and putting Judah Beau back to bed took a while so I'm running off of about 5 hours of sleep and a giant cup of coffee today! 

We had another fun weekend with family and celebrating lots of graduates! 

I've known these girls since they were little, little! I babysat them and now they are graduated...#imold

Also, it was pouring down rain and we walked in said rain to get inside to graduation so my hair is a fizzy mess! The rain & my hair are not friends.

Judah hasn't been feeling too well so Friday we had a pretty lazy day of just letting him recover from a pretty yucky bug. He got lots of snuggles from his great-grandma :)

Saturday Blake and my dad had a guys day and my mom, my grandma and me had a girls day with Judah! We shopped till we dropped. 

Bubba looking up at the birds in the tree!
Who said dressing boys isn't fun?? 

My grandma gave Judah his first taste of a pickle and he loved it! He didn't even make a face like it was sour! I guess he will love pickles just like his mama :)

That night we celebrated one of our friends that had recently graduated from college. Judah played some cornhole with the guys ;) 

My dad had been smoking a brisket all night/morning and so Sunday after church we had the best lunch ever! My dad makes the best bbq...like ever. I won't eat bbq out at places because it doesn't compare to his! 

My brother and sister-in-law and their kiddos were there and they love Judah Beau! 

We spent the rest of the evening at Blake's grandparents house and then headed back home. 

That's all from our fun filled weekend!

I made a new Instagram account dedicated solely to this blog!! Follow me @becomingthekelchs to keep up with our daily life and to see way too many pictures of my cute baby! 
Linking up with Biana


  1. Start 'em young at Cornhole haha! We love that game!

  2. It looks like y'all had a good weekend despite the rain and Judah's bug!! I hope he is feeling better!! I love that picture of him with the hat on...so, so cute!! It is so weird for me to see kids that I babysat graduating high school, too!! Definitely makes me want to cry and crazy happy for them all at the same time lol. Hope y'all are having a great week so far! :)

    1. He is doing SO much better! Thank you!! Your post today has me on Pinterest looking at all kinds of fun summer party ideas! It looked like so much fun!!


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