Fall Decor

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Fall is a close second to my favorite time of the year (Christmas/Winter). I love any excuse to decorate for things and make trips to Hobby Lobby, so decorating for Fall is always a given. I'm excited to share some of my fall decor with y'all today!

All of the decor above is above our cabinets in our kitchen. Our floor plan is super open and so the kitchen and living room look right into each other. I do the majority of my decorating up there because you see it a lot! & in case you can't tell, we have a thing for scarecrows ;)

We kept our entryway simple with a few things and a candy corn bowl full of candy corn because my hubs is obsessed...haha!

Our love for scarecrows continues on our kitchen island. I saw this sign at Hobby Lobby this year and had to have it! We also had to add a third scarecrow to our bunch this year :)

Of course our coffee bar is filled with #allthepumpkinspice
& yes, we have an old school coffee pot! I drink way too much in a day to have a Keurig! 

I am obsessed with banners so naturally this is one of my favorite parts of our Fall decor. It's tucked away in the corner of our dining room which you can see right as you walk in our door. I love it! Thank you Target dollar spot! 

As excited as I am about all of our fall decor and my house smelling like a giant pumpkin marshmallow, I can't wait to decorate for Christmas!! I've been singing Christmas songs in my head since December 26th of last year so you can say I'm a little excited...but for now, it's all things Fall!

Weekend Recap | Round Top Edition

Monday, October 3, 2016

It's Monday morning and I'm drinking a tall cup of coffee and eating a bowl of fruit loops...I'd say the day is starting out pretty good. (Insert sarcasm here haha)

We had a fun but busy weekend. I told Blake that from now on, our Saturdays need to be filled with less things. That needs to be our rest day! We will see how that goes ;)

We woke up to the most beautiful weather and decided to spend as much time outside as possible! We started our day off at the park, ran some errands, at lunch at Chick-fil-A with two kiddos (mama's understand) and spent the rest of the day playing outside! Judah had so much fun at his first time at the playground :) 

We woke up Saturday to more beautiful weather! It was perfect because I had a photo session that morning then we were spending the rest of the day at Round Top. 
Round Top is like this giant flee market held in the tiny little town of Round Top, Texas. If you watch Fixer Upper, you've probably heard of it! 
We had fun and enjoyed the time with our friends but we definitely learned to better prepare for our next trip. We all decided we need way more money, better walking shoes and we know now to not go to the "Big Red Barn". All the good finds are in the tents around town!! 

Photo session time for mama. Look at this smiling boy!!

Our Round Top Adventure 

Sunday was our normal day of church, a staff meeting after church, 2 hour break then back up to church for our young adult service. Sunday's are tiring but I can't imagine spending them any other way! 

Look at these two cuties! They are exactly a week apart. 
And lastly, a few pictures I snapped at our young adults service!

Have a great Monday, friends! 

Theme by: Pish and Posh Designs