Weekend Recap | I'm Back Edition

Monday, July 25, 2016

Hey, y'all! It's been a little while since I've written but we have been busy (per usual) and every time I remember to write a post, we are already all in bed and Judah is asleep so that's really the only time Blake and I get to talk and spend time together! I'd much rather watch the office and eat cookies with my husband than write a post :)

But it's Monday and we are back! I'm doing a small weekend recap today and will be doing a bigger post of what we have been up to lately in a few days, so get ready!


Judah decided to start protesting his naps and it wore me out! He went from two 2 hour naps a day and a little cat nap in the evening to maybe O N E 30 minute nap for the whole day. I think he is finally trying to pop some teeth out but we will see! He is still the happiest little guy :)

We had game night with some friends that night and played a game called 10 pennies! It was SO fun!
#itsjust cranberryjuice #dontfreakout ;)


We got up early-ish and got ready to go shop the #Nsale! But first...

There was like n o t h i n g left from the sale but I did find one shirt I loved! I'll share it in that bigger post in a few days. Blake also found a shirt and I think I might steal it from him...it's so soft. 

That evening we went to a little quinceaƱera for a girl in our youth group and it was so sweet and fun! I loved her pink dress and the backdrop. Her aunt made those flowers! How cute would those be in a nursery?? This girl loves our Judah and we love her! She is so, so sweet. 


Judah and I started off our morning with cartoons and then we met Blake at church! We had a guest speaker from Australia and he was a great communicator. 

I made french dip sandwiches for lunch!

Then we did a whole lot of this...

That was our weekend! Make today great!

Linking up with Biana.

Friday Favorites | Life Lately Edition

Friday, July 15, 2016

I have been absent from the blog this week because we have been busy traveling to surprise friends for their birthday and seeing family! 
My parents are coming into town today and we are spending the weekend at the lake with them and our really close family friends that came all the way from Kansas. We haven't seen them in a long time and I'm so exited to spend time with them! 

Judah's new favorite thing is swimming! He is really starting to love the pool and it's the cutest thing. He splashes and laughs and just loves it! We swam at our friend, Liz's birthday party on Saturday and Judah loved floating with Uncle Jesse :)

Blake and I went on our first date without Judah earlier Saturday and we had our favorite, tacos! I love this handsome guy and have missed spending that special quality time with just him. It was so weird not having Judah there and we missed him so much but it was definitely needed!

We celebrated these two ladies both turning 22 this weekend. We love them dearly and they are Judah's favorite Aunts :)

In other news, Judah is SO close to crawling! How cute does he look?? He's growing up too fast and that's not a favorite but that little smirk on his face is :)

 That's all my favorites for this week! I'm linking up with Andrea

Judah Beau | 6 Months

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Okay...that was the fastest 182 days EVER. An entire half of a year has gone by since we had our Judah and I can't believe it! I keep telling Blake that these past 6 months just flew by and I can'y imagine how fast the next 6 will!
Where did my tiny baby go?? 

A 6 months, Judah Beau...

...weighs 15lbs 10oz.

...is 25.7 inches long.

...is in size 3 diapers.

...can still wear some of his 3 month clothes but is mostly in 6-9 month now!

...still loves his sleep. 8-10 hours a night, can I get an amen??

...is drinking 6oz every 3 hours and eating purees! His favorite is still carrots but we are about to start trying more green veggies and hopefully he will like them.

...is still a little rolly-polly! There's no leaving him alone anywhere because he will roll off of anything he is on!

...sits up so well on his own and is even trying to sit up from laying down!

...is almost army crawling. He tries so hard to get moving but can't quite figure it out yet.

...is definetly a belly sleeper. Lately he doesn't want to sleep unless he is on his belly! I guess it's time to move him to the pack in play in our room :( #imnotready

...loves his jumpers. He has one that hangs from the doorway and another one that sits up off the floor and he has finally figured out how to jump in them! He giggles and thinks it is hilarious, we do too :)

...studies his toys and gives them the "what is this thing" look and loves to play, play, play! He is such a busy boy and the days of sitting with him with nothing entertaining him are long gone. 

...makes all the sweetest and funniest noises along with lots of belly laughs (only from dada, though.) He's loud! Which is so funny because Blake and I both are pretty quiet people.

...said his first word...mama. He has been saying "mamamama" for a long time now when he is fussing but the other night (July 4th) we were laying in bed playing and he just said "MAMA!" and then my heart exploded. Then he said it again, and again, and again. 

...recognizes faces now. When we FaceTime Blakes grandparents or my parents and he see their faces he lights up like a Christmas tree and has the biggest smile! So, so sweet!

...is still teething.  Those bottom teeth are giving him all kinds of trouble! He will chew on anything he can't his hands on. I think they will come through sometime this month!

...hates having his diaper changed. He is like a little flopping fish now whenever we try to change him.

...went swimming for the first time! He loves it! He is our little fish.

...also had watermelon for the first time. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

...loves, loves, loves his dada. He will be fussy or crying (which isn't often) and I can say "Judah, where's dada?" and he will immediately stop. All I have to do is start talking about his dada and he is okay :)

Judah has really started getting a big personality this month and it is so much fun. I love watching him sit and play/explore all his toys and learn new things. Watching him do those things is one of the best things about being a mama, I think! 
We love that big, open mouth smile of yours, when you wrinkle your little nose up to "flirt", all the giggles, laughs, loud "talking", we love it all. Watching you grow is SO much fun and going through all of life's new adventures with you is better than we ever thought it would be. You are our greatest joy, sweet boy! We love you more than words could ever say! Now feel free to slow down with all the growing up so quickly ;)

Weekend Recap | July 4th Edition

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy Tuesday! I love a 3 day weekend, y'all. Such a treat. We had a fun filled weekend around here and I hope you all did too!! 

My morning started off with my 5:30am CG workout. I always get to see the sunrise on my way back home! It's my favorite part of the workout.

Blake got off work early so we stopped by Sonic to get large waters with lemon&raspberry! If you haven't tried this it's a must!! So yummy. 

That night we had a married life event at our church and we played Brain Bowl and our team won!! Woohoo!

We started off our Saturday at a sweet little 1st birthday party for one of Judah's buddies, Robby! He had a County Fair themed party and everything was so cute! Judah loved the watermelon and I loved the pie pops ;)

Blake had to work for a few hours so Judah and I went and explored a new shopping center we found recently! We were browsing in Barns and Nobles and I found this little gem. I'm kicking myself for not buying it! 

We had a yummy dinner with Blake (sushi, my fav!)
...then all did this when we got home! 

We helped out with kids church on Sunday and we were all so tired when we got home! Blake made a pallet on the living room floor for him and Judah to take a nap on(I don't take naps) and it was the sweetest thing I've ever seen! I love these sleepy boys :)
After their nap we took some pictures for Judah's half birthday! I can't handle how cute these are. I'll be sharing more on Friday :)

JULY 4th
We ran some errands and headed to our friends house to celebrate the 4th! They were so sweet to invite us to spend the day with them and their family since they know we don't have any family here. I get teary eyed just thinking about it. We are so thankful for the friends and family we have made here! 
Look at all these cute little babies :)

Judah watched his first firework show and he loved it! No crying at all. I swear, he is seriously the best baby. 
6 months ago on this day we were spending our very first night with Judah in the hospital! Now he's sitting up by himself, holding mama's hand and watching fireworks like such a big boy! Be still my heart. 
That's all for this weekend recap! I'll see y'all back here tomorrow for Judah's 6 month update :)

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