Weekend Recap | Fathers Day Edition

Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Monday, y'all! My hubs left super early for work this morning and I can never fall back asleep after he leaves so I see a lot of coffee in my future today. 

We had a great weekend celebrating Blake with family and we didn't want the weekend to end!


I started Friday off with watching my friends kiddos for a few hours! They are the sweetest boys and I loved that my house was full of boys! I just have a feeling Blake and I will have all boys, even though we desperately wasn't a girl, so it was fun to see a little glimpse into our possible future :) 

Blake's grandparents arrived and we had lunch at Trudys! So yummy! 

We ran some errands and just hungout at the house! 


We had a fun morning of shopping and eating brunch. Judah is the best shopping buddy :) 

Annnnd, Judah had his first taste of watermelon! He LOVED it!!! 

We had dinner reservations for that night at Vince Young's Steakhouse to celebrate Blake's first Father's Day and his birthday (early!). I took a picture of my dress for the night because I love it! The colors are my favorite. 

The food was SO good. The best steak I have ever had. It's a little expensive but worth it! If you're ever in Austin, try it out! 
Gig Em in front of the Longhorn bc Aggies ;)
Love these guys!!


We woke up and went to church and we were so excited to celebrate this guy all day! We love Dada :) He is the best Dad to Judah and the best husband to me. He is selfless, works hard for us, loves us and leads us! We are blessed by him daily and so thankful for him! 

We had shoe shiners come to the church for Father's Day to shine all the Dad's shoes! Judah was waiting his turn ;) 


I also snapped a picture of my dress because flowers and bright colors are my fav! (Whoops! My shoes were already off!! Haha!)

After church we headed about an hour away to family's house to cookout and visit! Judah rode in his first little car and I almost cried because of how big he looked. I can't take it. 
Goofy dada :)

That was our weekend! It's Blake's birthday week and I can't wait to celebrate him! We are starting it off with our normal Bachelorette viewing party with our friends! Who are your favorites?? I love Jordan and Luke!! 

Linking up with Biana



  1. Love your dress that you wore to dinner!

  2. Sounds like you had a good weekend! And both of those dresses are so pretty!


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