Judah Beau | 5 Months

Thursday, June 9, 2016

I can't believe it has almost been half a year with our little guy! Time is flying by and I'm not okay with it. He has developed SO much this month and I am noticing little changes in his face everyday. A lot of people have been telling me that he resembles me a lot lately and I'm okay with that ;) I still think he is his Dada made over though!
Linking up with Erika
 This is what really happens when we take monthly pictures!

At 5 months, Judah Beau...

...weighs 14.3lbs

...is 24.7 inches long

...is in size 3 diapers

...is wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes with the occasional 9 month jumper. He has such a long torso so he's in 6 month onesies and 3 month pants because of his skinny little waist!

...is still sleeping like a champ. 8-10 hours at night. #ThankYouJesus

...hates drinking his bottles. He is so distracted by e v e r y t h i n g so that makes it so hard to feed him. We are trying out a  new schedule this week so we will see how that goes!

...has tried his first purees! I have made him carrots, avocado and sweet potatoes and he loves all of them! Carrots are his fav :) He would much rather eat these all day than drink his bottles. 

...does SO good with a spoon! 

...can officially sit up by himself. He just decided one day that it was time and he does so well! It makes him look like such a big boy!

...helps hold his bottles and it's the cutest thing ever. 

...is still the happiest baby. So many smiles and giggles! He's a pretty big flirt too ;)

...has started to not like his car seat. He wants to be sitting up SO bad and his car seat doesn't sit up enough for him. He is constantly trying to sit up in it!

...loves his exersaucer! He will play his little heart out in it. Thank you Nana ;)

...is a little rolie police! If he is laying on his back he will flip right over within seconds. 

...still uses his paci to help soothe him to sleep but any other time he doesn't want it unless we are letting him chew on it :)

...beat the sleep regression. He started waking up around 8:30 instead of 9:30 so we can't complain AT ALL! Boy loves his sleep. 

...follows people and their voices. I will be feeding Judah in the living room and he will hear Blake in the kitchen and bam, head is turned and eating is out of the question. He see's dada in the kitchen and will follow him with his eyes until he comes and says something to him. 

...reaches for everything! Anything that is in his view he wants in his hands and then into his mouth! 

...is occasionally sucking his thumb when he is sleepy. Such a bad habit but I can't stop him because it's so cute!

...had his first ride in the stroller without his car seat attached to it! Our little curious boy was so happy. 

Every month with or boy is a gift and it just keeps getting better and better. Witnessing the growing and learning is one of the best parts of being a mama! We can't remember what life was like before you, bubba. We love you more than you will ever know! 

5 Month Photo Dump

 Dada's twin!

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