Weekend Recap

Monday, November 16, 2015

Oh, dreaded Monday. I have mixed emotions about you. Blake goes back to work today and while I'm rejoicing in the fact that he has a full time job now, I'm so sad and lonely here without him! I wish it was possible for us to just be home together all the time, but unfortunately that probably won't happen until we are old and grey. But hey, that will be fun too!

We had a pretty productive weekend over here at The Kelchs! 

Friday we had our doctors appointment to check on sweet Judah. Everything looks great and we get a long ultrasound at our next appointment to see how he is growing! (yay!!) If it were up to me, I'd have a sonogram machine at our house...seeing him once every couple of months just isn't enough for this momma! After our appointment we found our way to Mighty Fine for a little lunch date!
It never fails, no one can spell my name right. I gave up on trying to correct people a long time ago! Haha

We may or may not have came home and took a glorious nap. I woke up before Blake did and I'll spare him the embarrassment of sharing the picture I caught of him sleeping! He was out like a light. The rest of our Friday consisted of a Target run & some brownies! Nothing too exciting around here :)

Saturday we woke up and I made homemade biscuits from scratch with gravy and bacon! 
I may or may not have set the smoke alarm off while cooking the bacon...embarrassing

Blake had said the night before, if I would clean up the kitchen after dinner then we could decorate for Christmas. I think it was just his way to get out of doing the dishes but I was more than glad to clean because he finally agreed to decorate!! So we got some Starbucks and started on decorating.
I'm just a little excited about all the decor! 

 I can't wait to do a Christmas decor tour and share it with y'all! We are just about done with everything, just have to add a few last minute touches :) 
He is such a perfectionist when it comes to the tree. I'm actually pretty terrible at trimming the tree, so I'm glad he's so good at it :) 

Side note: last year was our first Christmas together being married! Blake's grandparents gave us a hand-me-down tree because they have so many. We were so excited to put it up! We had my parents come over to help and everything. We pulled it out of the box and put it together and this is what it looked like...we died laughing! 
Definitely something we will always remember and laugh about every year!

We spent the rest of our Saturday watching some football and finishing decorating. Talk about a holly jolly day :)

Sunday we helped out in Kids Church and it was so much fun! I wish I would've taken a video of Blake keeping them entertained while they were waiting for their parents to pick them up. It was pretty funny. At one point he made them do a push up contest and a dance off. It was awesome

Blake had an event up at the church right after service so I headed to Target (again) to run some errands. 
Of course I ended up not getting what I came for and left with Holiday flavored M&M's and peppermint marshmallows...don't judge! 

Then I came home and worked on this beauty...
Yes, we have a 6ft, hot pink, Christmas tree. I was gifted this tree in High School and of course I had to bring it with me when I got married! We have added a few ornaments that make it more of a kitchen themed tree. We usually have a chefs hat that goes on top but it got lost somewhere in the move :( I love this tree and bless my sweet husbands heart for letting me put it up every year! 

When Blake got home, we took another nap. All of these naps are so not like me (I hate taking naps). But lately, no matter how hard I try to not take one, sleep always wins. It has been making me feel a little better and not as tired, so that's a plus! This third trimester tiredness is so real.

After dinner, we finished hanging up one of my favorite decorations and watched Hallmark Christmas movies. Our TV pretty much stays on Hallmark during the Holidays. The movies are so cheesy, but I just can't stop! Please tell me I'm not the only one...

My momma always had this same decor out up in our house when I was growing up. Last year, she came over and helped me make one of my own! I love everything about it. Who doesn't love some garland and Christmas lights?? 

We may have eaten some ice cream...#givemeallthesprinkles

Then our night ended with a little bit of this...

That was our super exciting weekend! I'm excited about starting these posts, I know I will especially cherish them when Judah gets here. 

Make this Monday great! 

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