34 Weeks

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How far along: 34 Weeks & 1 Day.

This week, baby is the size of a: Cantaloupe! This is a screenshot of the app I've been using throughout my pregnancy. (Expecting mama's, it's called Ovia Pregnancy & it's the best!) This is one of my favorite features. I remember Blake and I looking at this when I was 4 weeks pregnant, that big hand you see now was a tiny, tiny little dot. Now it's almost fully to the size it should be when he arrives! (cue the tears haha!) I can't wait for that little hand to wrap around my finger!

Sleep: Depends on the day you ask me...last night I slept pretty well, but if you would've asked me Friday night, I would've said it was the worst night of sleep ever. 

Symptoms: Still dealing with braxton hicks. Having them be so painful that they wake you up is not fun :( Also, the tiredness is back and has hit me hard the past couple of days!

Cravings: Nothing really other than milk! We have been going through milk like crazy around here. 

Belly Button in or out: Out! I'm wondering if it will ever go back in...haha!

Labor Signs: None so far!

Best moment this week: Enjoying every little kick and movement in my belly! I'm really trying to take it all in because I know that I will miss it once he is here. The other night, Blake was talking to Judah and he blew a raspberry on my belly and Judah just about leaped out of my belly! haha. It was hilarious and so fun to watch. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, 5 minutes later I'm crying, then 5 minutes later I'm happy again. Mood swings are real, y'all. I feel like Shelby's mom at her funeral in the movie Steel Magnolias, when she is crying, then yelling, then laughing. That's me, all the time! 

Miss anything? Being comfortable, my feet not hurting all the time, being able to wear some of my favorite winter clothes...the list could go on. It's been pretty hard lately trying to dress the belly and I get discouraged really easily! I have to remind myself of what's going on inside my belly and why it's so big and then that helps me!
What you're looking forward to: Seeing and spending time with family this weekend! Also, we have our big 35 week appointment the Monday after Thanksgiving and we get to see our little guy and I'm SO excited!!

Verse you're leaning on this week:
Having a heart of gladness and thankfulness not just this week, but especially this week as I reflect back on things that The Lord has blessed me with this past year. It has been far greater than I could ever imagine, and I'm so thankful for His provision and guidance. More on this tomorrow :)

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