Weekend Recap

Monday, November 30, 2015

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and got to enjoy time with your family and friends! We had a pretty fun weekend doing just that. 

Friday we had planned on taking maternity pictures. The weather called for rain...all day. Boy, did it ever. I was so bummed about it being rainy but decided that if I wanted maternity pictures done, I was going to have to improvise. Luckily I had a great photographer to guide us and make the photos great anyway! Here's a few of my favorites. (Excuse the frizzy hair...ugh, humidity.)
The rain really was not our friend that day, but I love how they turned out anyway :)
After we we're finished with our shoot, it only made sense to make a stop by Starbucks and get hot chocolate and go home and get into our cozy jammies! Also, how cute is this shirt?? Blake's grandma got it for me and it's my favorite :)
That night, we had game night with my family! We taught Blake how to play a really old domino game called "42". I grew up sitting in my great grandmas lap watching my family play this game, so it was super fun to be able to teach Blake how to play! 
 My Grandma was helping Blake since it was his first time playing, they both had a blast! (& they won!)

Saturday morning started off pretty slow. We took our time waking up and getting ready for they day. There was lots of snuggles on the couch!
My dad wanted to take us out to lunch at this cute little restaurant called Bebos. It's out in the middle of nowhere and surprisingly so yummy! They are known for their burgers but their catfish is SO good! They whole place is decorated with vintage decor and lots of Elvis stuff! So fun!
We decided to venture out to McKinney for their Home for the Holidays event. It was so much fun! What's better than walking around and sipping on hot chocolate while Christmas music plays?? There's only a few things I can think of...
Downtown McKinney is full of cute little shops! This particular weekend they had a little shop full of different mini trains set up. My dad, brother and Blake enjoyed it!

Of course we had to take our picture with the pretty tree! It was so much fun getting to do Christmas-y stuff with my family since we will be missing out on a lot this year because I can't travel.

Sunday morning we enjoyed going to our Church back home and then went to lunch with Blake's grandparents! Shortly after that we loaded up the car and headed back to ATX! Road trips with this guy are fun, even when the drive that would normally take you 3 1/2 hours takes you 6! (Thanks traffic!)

That's all for our weekend! We are looking forward to our Dr. Appointment today and we are hoping that our little guy stays still long enough to get a few good pictures. We will see :) 

Have a happy Monday & make it a great one!

Linking up with this lady!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! I thought for today's post I would try my best to keep it short and sweet and share some of the things I'm most thankful for this year! God has been so good to us this year and I can't help but tell of His goodness. 
I'm so thankful for God's guidance and provision. This past year we had different opportunities for Blake to take different ministry positions and we just kept telling God no. (Never a good idea haha) We just didn't ever feel like the timing was right, we had all of our family here and we were comfortable. There was one position that kept being persistent in being brought up to us. We really prayed about it and both put our selfish desires behind us and decided to follow where God was leading us. Moving to Austin has been one of the best decisions Blake and I have ever made. God has blessed us so much since our move and we could not be more thankful. God's plans are so much greater than anything we could've imagined up for ourselves. 

We are also very thankful for that guy that would not stop calling us and asking us to move to Austin. God used him in a huge way in our lives and is continuing to do so. We love you, Reid :)

One thing we are also so very thankful for this year is our little turkey that will be here SO soon! Blake and I decided at the beginning of the year to start trying to have a baby. The Lord blessed us with a little (big) blessing and our sweet Judah will be here at the end of December and we can't wait to meet him! 

Another thing we are so thankful for is our family and friends. Our families have been so supportive of us this year in every decision we have made. They were all were thrilled we we announced that we were expecting a little baby, and were sad, but proud of us when we told them about us moving to Austin. Same goes for our wonderful friends! Judah is already so blessed by all his grandparents and great grandparents, aunts and uncles, the list could go on! We couldn't have gone through these huge life changes without them. They are all such blessings in our lives and we are so thankful for them and love them SO much!

We are also thankful for our new friends that have become like family, and our new church family. They have all welcomed us with open arms and have been such blessings to us. I know this brings me to tears (Blake too, shhh! Haha) Moving to a city where you know no one is scary, and these people have made the transition so easy for us! Every time we leave the church or leave from hanging out with them our hearts are overwhelmed with thankfulness for them! We love you all :)

I'm so thankful that The Lord blessed me with the most loving, selfless, and kind hearted husband in the whole world. He loves me unconditionally and leads our family so well. I'm so blessed to be able to go through this crazy life with him by my side. I can't wait to grow old with him :) (because I know he will read this, love you B!!) 

Most of all, like every year, we are most thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and for Him laying down His life for us. Knowing we would fail Him, He still gave up His life so we could have eternal life with our Savior. Don't forget to give thanks to the One who created it all, who is in all, and rules over all. 
We are so very thankful and we wish you and your family and very Happy Thanksgiving! 

What's Up Wednesday

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

I'm so excited to be joining ShaySheaffer, and Mel for their Whats Up Wednesday link-up! 



What we're eating this week:
Monday we made some really yummy breakfast tacos!

Then we had our annual Monday night taco date with our friends! Lots of tacos around here...and then of course, Thanksgiving food! I'm actually not a fan of any Thanksgiving food...I don't like anything except the rolls :) haha! Blake loves it though, so he is super excited!

What I'm reminiscing about:
During this Holiday season, I really like to think back and reflect on all I have to be thankful for this past year. This year, I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness and I'm excited to share that with you all in a special post tomorrow :)

What I'm loving:
So a couple of posts ago, I was saying how much I wish that Blake could work from home because he was going back to work during the day and I was missing him bad! He got told this past Monday that with his position, he is now working from home!!! It's so great how God answers prayers :) I love being able to walk back to our bedroom and take him a snack or just go tell him I love him...so cheesy, I know, but I can't help it. 

What we've been up to:
In my weekend recap post I talked about how our lives lately have been pretty boring and kind of lazy as we prepare for our sweet boy to arrive. We are trying to get in as much "us" time as possible and also lots of rest! Today we are headed to see our friends and family back home, and we are pretty excited about spending the weekend with them!

What I'm dreading:
The drive...I know that sounds terrible but the almost 4 hour drive is getting hard for this preggo! 

What I'm working on:
Last minute details and organizing in Judah's nursery! It's almost time...eek!!!

What I'm excited about:
All things Christmas!! Family is coming to stay with us this year since Judah will be here any day around Christmas time. I'm so excited to host our families and have us all celebrate together. Ahh...it's the most wonderful time of the year :)

What I'm watching/reading: 
Christmas movies & more Christmas movies :) 

All I have been reading lately is my Bible! I am still going through the studies with She Reads Truth :)

What I'm listening to: 
Christmas music!! Michael Bublé and Kim Walker Smith's albums are my favorite!

What I'm wearing: 
Lots of this. My maternity leggings and any shirt are what I'm living in right now. 

What I'm doing this weekend:
Spending lots of time with family! We are also scheduled to take maternity pictures this weekend, but it's supposed to rain :( prayers are welcome that it will let up enough of Friday for us to still get them done!!

What I'm looking forward to next month:
Christmas and finally being able to hold our sweet boy :)

What else is new:
Nada :)

Our bonus question this month: What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
On Christmas Eve, we get in our jammies, get some hot chocolate or coffee, and drive around and look at Christmas lights! We have been doing this since I was a little girl and I love that Blake and I do it now :) 

That's what's up with us this Wednesday! Happy Wednesday, friends and have a very happy Thanksgiving!

34 Weeks

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How far along: 34 Weeks & 1 Day.

This week, baby is the size of a: Cantaloupe! This is a screenshot of the app I've been using throughout my pregnancy. (Expecting mama's, it's called Ovia Pregnancy & it's the best!) This is one of my favorite features. I remember Blake and I looking at this when I was 4 weeks pregnant, that big hand you see now was a tiny, tiny little dot. Now it's almost fully to the size it should be when he arrives! (cue the tears haha!) I can't wait for that little hand to wrap around my finger!

Sleep: Depends on the day you ask me...last night I slept pretty well, but if you would've asked me Friday night, I would've said it was the worst night of sleep ever. 

Symptoms: Still dealing with braxton hicks. Having them be so painful that they wake you up is not fun :( Also, the tiredness is back and has hit me hard the past couple of days!

Cravings: Nothing really other than milk! We have been going through milk like crazy around here. 

Belly Button in or out: Out! I'm wondering if it will ever go back in...haha!

Labor Signs: None so far!

Best moment this week: Enjoying every little kick and movement in my belly! I'm really trying to take it all in because I know that I will miss it once he is here. The other night, Blake was talking to Judah and he blew a raspberry on my belly and Judah just about leaped out of my belly! haha. It was hilarious and so fun to watch. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, 5 minutes later I'm crying, then 5 minutes later I'm happy again. Mood swings are real, y'all. I feel like Shelby's mom at her funeral in the movie Steel Magnolias, when she is crying, then yelling, then laughing. That's me, all the time! 

Miss anything? Being comfortable, my feet not hurting all the time, being able to wear some of my favorite winter clothes...the list could go on. It's been pretty hard lately trying to dress the belly and I get discouraged really easily! I have to remind myself of what's going on inside my belly and why it's so big and then that helps me!
What you're looking forward to: Seeing and spending time with family this weekend! Also, we have our big 35 week appointment the Monday after Thanksgiving and we get to see our little guy and I'm SO excited!!

Verse you're leaning on this week:
Having a heart of gladness and thankfulness not just this week, but especially this week as I reflect back on things that The Lord has blessed me with this past year. It has been far greater than I could ever imagine, and I'm so thankful for His provision and guidance. More on this tomorrow :)

Weekend Recap

Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Monday, friends! This is me this Monday...except I'm in a slightly less chic outfit (leggings & a tunic, no makeup, & fuzzy socks) but the coffee is totally correct. 

We had a pretty lazy weekend over here at The Kelchs! We are taking in all the "us" time and rest we can before our sweet boy gets here! 

My Friday started off with a big bowl of Fruity Pebbles, because sometimes you just need a big bowl of unhealthy, colorful cereal. 
I let Blake sleep in a bit because he didn't have to work Friday! So once he was up and moving around, we got out and ran a few errands and enjoyed some Chipotle.
Later that night, we went over to our friends house to help them decorate their tree and have a game night! They said to dress comfy, so of course we wore our Christmas jammies!
We attempted to play Scene It?  but all of the movies ended up being pretty old so we played some really  fun card games!! It was such a fun night :)
Saturday morning coffee in my Christmas jammies. So cozy!
Saturday was the first really cold day we have had and I was so anxious to get outside! (I know, I'm crazy) I can't reach my feet these days...how sweet is this guy for helping me put on shoes on?? A simple gesture but it means so much to this preggo that can't reach her feet! We headed out to go to my favorite place, Target, and Blake's favorite place, Guitar Center.  
He could spend all day in here, y'all. I don't mind because how handsome does he look with that guitar?? I'm one lucky girl...

We had to make a pit stop by Chickfila because I was so thirsty! Then I realized that they had their peppermint shake back and got that instead...oops. Also, when they accidentally give you a large, you don't complain. Yum!
Then we just killed more time and walked around this little shopping center near us, in the cold, because we are crazy. ha! In case you couldn't tell, I really love the cold. I told Blake that I should be Elsa...because the cold never bothered me anyway. That might have been all the sugar from the peppermint milkshake talking...haha.
We spent the rest of the night at home, Blake made dinner and we watched lots of football. 
Sunday we woke up and went to church!
Pastor preached such a good message on "Remembering the Taste". It was all about remembering the taste of God's goodness and grace through the tough times in your life and being thankful in those times. I was weepy so many times throughout his sermon just remembering what The Lord has brought me through in my life and being so thankful for where he has brought me to today! I have so much to be thankful for this year and I can't think about it without the tears flowing. God is so good, y'all! 
We ate lunch and then took a good 'ole Sunday nap all while dinner cooked in the crockpot. We watched the music awards and had lots of snuggles! (Carrie was my favorite, because duh.

That was our weekend! We have a short week ahead of us before we head back home for to spend Thanksgiving with our families. Be looking out for a little baby update tomorrow and have a wonderful Monday! 

Also, I'm linking up with this lady today!

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