Friday Favorites

Thursday, December 3, 2015

It's Friday and that means I'm linking up with  NarciAndrea, and Erika for some Friday Favorites!
A friend of Blake and I's sent us these baby pictures of us and we died laughing! I mean, Blake is a little cutie and I look like a hot mess! It's so fun to look back at these pictures of us as littles and imagine what our little Judah will look like. (Looking at old pictures is my favorite thing ever. I could do it for hours and not get bored!) Hopefully he gets his Daddy's good looks and not my crazy afro hair :) 

So Blake and I were up way too late Wednesday night and I was scrolling through the guide on the TV and saw that Lizzie McGuire was one and I could've jumped for joy...except not really because I'm 9 months pregnant and that might not have ended well haha! We watched one episode and I was totally feeling like I was 7 years old again wishing that I was Lizzie! This show was my favorite! Gosh, the hairstyles and clothes were such throwbacks! Who ever told Lizzie that curling 3 pieces of your hair and leaving the rest straight was a good idea?? 

So I found this little scripture reading plan on Pinterest and I have so enjoyed it so far! This is a new favorite. I'm also following along with the She Reads Truth Advent Study as well, but this is a cool little extra to add in and would be great to do with your kiddos that are old enough. What are you doing this Christmas Season to remind yourself of the true reason for the season? I would love to hear about it!

I know I've mentioned this before, but it is my favorite thing that Blake gets to work from home right now! It has been such a blessing. I'm 9 months pregnant and could have this baby any day now! So it is so comforting to have him home and not 30 minutes away so that if something were to happen, he's right here with me, ready to go! I also know it will be a huge blessing having him home with Judah and I after he is born! God is so good :)

This little guy. Ugh, I love him to pieces already! I have this picture up on my vanity so every day when I'm getting ready, putting makeup on, etc. I see his sweet little face! It's my favorite. If you missed my bumpdate post from Wednesday scroll down to my previous post to read :)

That's all for this weeks favorites! We have a fun and restful weekend ahead of us! What are some of your plans this weekend?? 

Happy Friday, sweet friends!!


  1. Aww, I think you both look cute in your pictures! Hair and all! Have a great weekend!

  2. I love the script reading :) Perfect plan!!

  3. Lizzie McGuire was fabulous!! And I won't lie...I've done the 3 curls hairstyle after watching it!
    Oh those were the

    1. I think I have a picture of my 10 year old self with the hairstyle aren't alone!! Haha


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