Weekend Recap | New Blog Design/Name Edition

Monday, September 26, 2016

It is weird that I want to start off every Monday morning post with a big 'ol "Howdy!!"? Any Aggies out there that can relate? #breakawayforlife #gigem

Anyway, it's Monday and my cup of coffee needs a cup of coffee...yep, that's me.

Anyone notice anything different around here?? I have been working on this new blog design for a while and still have a few things left to fix but I'm loving the simplicity it has! I officially changed the name of the blog to Keeping Up With The Kelchs from Becoming The Kelchs due to the fact that, hello, we are already The Kelchs now! haha! I hope you guys like it and feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments to make it look better. 

Now for that weekend recap...

We had such a good weekend and I didn't want it to end! I was too busy enjoying family time to remember to take a bunch of pictures :( 

Friday my parents got into town late that evening and we stayed up talking with them for a good while. We love when family comes to see us! Saturday my Momma made us breakfast, we caught up on Grey's Anatomy (I don't like you, Shonda) and then went shopping for most of the day! Judah got spoiled, of course ;) 

We had mexican food for dinner and Judah was so focused on the tortillas I was cutting up for him...he get's his love for Mexican food honest :)

We ended our night watching the Aggies beat the Razorbacks! Whoop!

Sunday we had 3 services at church, a birthday party and our young adult ministry service that night. Little guy was worn out!

And to close the weekend here's a picture I snapped during service last night. I love that guy with the guitar :)

Linking up with Biana.


  1. The design and name is fabulous! Looks like a great weekend and I'm living the ballet funny ha! Hope you had a great day lady!

  2. The struggle: When you need a cup of coffee before you feel like operating the coffee maker.

  3. What a fun weekend! Your breakfast looks delicious! :) The blog design is awesome! Love the simplicity!


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