Friday Favorites

Friday, September 16, 2016

Woohoo! It's Fri-YAY! I have a bunch of random favorites today and I'm posting them late because my little guy and I are battling colds and sleep has been precious. (Can I get an amen??) 

I'm hosting my very first ONLINE LuLaRoe Pop-Up from now until Sunday. It's all online which means YOU can shop too!! I mean just look at some of the styles she is carrying right now...
Leggings (the softest ever!), baseball tee's, tunics and dresses OH MY! There are so many more styles to browse through and if you are interested in shopping click here and request to join her group! Comment sold on the styles you want and mention my name (Elisha Kelch) so I can get some kudos! I ordered this dress and I can't wait to wear it all Fall! 
LuLaRoe is my favorite and I want it to be yours, too!! 

Judah finally got his first tooth! It hasn't popped all the way through yet but it's getting there. He is just the cutest and that little tooth just makes him cuter!

I saw this and died laughing! This is Blake to a T! He's still
My favorite though :) 

These two making all kinds of noise at the piano are my favorite! I hope Judah loves music just like his dada! 

Judah Beau has a CURL!! I could scream from excitement. My hair is naturally super frizzy, afro, crazy curly and we were hoping Judah would get some of my hair genes! He may look just like his dada but hopefully he will have mama's hair :) 

Don't forget to scroll back up to my first favorite and join Kelsey's LuLaRoe page! Don't forget to mention my name as well if you buy something :) 

Have a great weekend, friends!



  1. i just got my first pair of Lularoe leggings this week, and I am actually nervous to try them on because I feel like I will suddenly want EVERYTHING!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, Judah's baby curl...I am dying! So cute!!!! That picture of the husband falling asleep on the couch is 100% my husband too lol. Every.single.time!!!!

  3. I love LuLaRoe clothes! My co-workers introduced me and they are always so cute and comfy. Also, your little boy is just precious! I always wished I had some natural curl in my hair, but instead it is PIN straight! Your little man's curl is the cutest!


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