Confessional Thursday

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I'm so excited to have found another confessions link up! I love sharing these little tidbits with y'all because I feel like it's a fun way to get to know everyone! Here we go, confessions round two!

Sparkles and Lattes

I confess...

...I have a prettty nasty stomach bug right now and I'm wishing B was here to help out with Judah. He's literally the easiest baby in the world to take care of but I'm just so nervous about passing this bug to him :( has been raining for what feels like weeks now and I'm totally over it. #allthebadhairdays

...I have terrible storm anxiety. I have my whole life and I feel like it just gets worse the older I get. If the word "tornado" is even mentioned you bet your booty that I will be up watching the radar until there is zero signs of a tornado. 

...I have like zero apps on my phone. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, my radar app, and two photo editing apps and thats it! B has like 200 apps on his and it drives me nuts! None of them are organized either. #OCDprobs

...I may or may not have already started planning Judah's first birthday...he's 4 months old. You can never start too early, right?? 

...we live in a really, really nice apartment right now but I'm dying to move back into a house. When we moved to Austin almost a year ago (what??) we had like no time to look & find a house. Our apartment feels like a house but sometimes you just need that cozy fireplace and a backyard, ya know?? 

That's all for this Thursday! Tomorrow is Fri-YAY and here's to hoping I feel better so we can enjoy our weekend!! See y'all tomorrow for my Friday Favorites :)


  1. Oh I feel you on the sickness. I have been sick for a week and it is slowly going away. Ugh. I don't want to get my girls sick either. I started planning and making a Pinterest board for my girls birthday early too. Gives you time to plan exactly what you want and change your mind too! Thanks for linking up!!

  2. I will be in Austin this weekend for a wedding! I missed a house when I was apartment living too. And sick babies are the worst. Hang in there.

  3. Oh, how opposite I am of you - I've put off planning the nugget's first birthday... and it's next month! I have zero ideas and practically no time! I should have started when he was 4 months old. I know what you mean about the apps on your phone. I have about the same as you do, and that's it. I feel ya on the house thing. We're renting right now, but I cannot wait until we can move into a house of our own with an actual yard and more space than what we have now. One day . . .

  4. Oh. I will join you on the weather fear train. I'm THE worst. So naturally.. the lightening kept me up all night last night. Hope you start feeling better soon!


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