Judah Beau | 10 Months

Friday, November 4, 2016

It's been a while since I've done an update on our Judah Beau! Life has been crazy and my MacBook has been down for a while now. All is fixed and I'm back! I can't believe my boy is 10 months old. Double digets...insert crying face here. 
Time really does fly.

At 10 months, Judah Beau...

...weighs about 18lbs

...is in size 4 diapers

...is wearing mostly 12 month everything except for pants. He is still in 9 month pants and even some 6 month, depending on where they are from. 

...can say; dada, mama, bubba, nana, go, and I swear he has said dog and uh-oh a few times.

...still sleeps through the night. PTL! At least 8 hours every night. He also does not like to be rocked anymore. He just wants us to lay him in his bed and he puts himself right to sleep!

...loves his dada. He is his very favorite person. It is so sweet! When he leaves for work Judah will crawl over to the door multiple times a day and say "Dada!!".

...food! This boy eats everything. He is down to 3, sometimes 4 8oz bottles a day and just wants the good stuff. He loves Plum Organics pouches when we are on the go, tortillas, potatoes, carrots, corn, peas, and his favorite food right now is bananas. He smiles SO big when he see's me cutting one up for him. The only thing we have given him so far that he doesn't like is eggs. (Blake and I aren't huge egg fans either!)

...loves bath time. He turns into a crazy man because he is SO excited! He crawls into his bathroom so fast whenever he hears us start the water.
...to play. He is a busy little bee and does not stay still. He is all boy and loves to go, go, go!

...attention, he is a little HAM! Smiling so big at people wherever we go, waving at everyone and he loves to flirt. He see's us pull the camera out to take pictures of him and he puts on a show, y'all. Stinker :)
...can wave "bye-bye" and blow kisses. Melts my heart!

...wants to walk so bad but just can't figure it out. He will stand unassisted for a LONG time but as soon as he wants to go somewhere he squats down and crawls. We are thinking he will walk any day now!

...is  o b s e s s e d with dogs. He loves them. Want's to be in their face giving them all the kisses! Which reminds me, he gives big, open mouth kisses that will just make you melt. 

...still loves his paci. He only want's it at nap time and when he goes to bed but occasionally he will want it while he plays. 

...will fake cough if he hears someone near him cough. He's a comedian, y'all. 

...has started with a little separation anxiety. He wants us to hold him and if he's in a good mood will let others hold him.

...has 5 teeth! 3 on top and 2 on bottom. His top two teeth have a gap between them and I love it.

...had his first airplane ride this month and slept through it. Little champ! He also went to the pumpkin patch for the first time and the State Fair.
...has discovered he can open the cabinets and get everything out of them! He loves to play with my cake pan. 

...loves music and will shake his little bottom and clap his hands to the beat. SO cute!

...can wave bye-bye, play peekaboo and blow kisses!

Judah Beau, we are so in love with everything about you! If every baby we will ever have would be just like you, we would have 10. You are the sweetest little soul who loves everyone and everyone loves you! We cannot believe how fast you are growing and that it is time to start planning your first birthday. You are SO smart and learn a new skill every day. There is nothing like your contagious smile, sweet giggles, and nothing like YOU! We love you more than we ever thought we could, sweet boy. Stop growing so fast!

1 comment :

  1. Oh my - he's so cute!!



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