What's Up Wednesday

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Things have been quiet lately here on the blog and I have really been missing writing. I'm just at that point in my mama life where I'm enjoying chasing him around the house all day and when Blake gets home I just want to spend every second with him and then when it's time for bed my head hits that pillow and I'm gone. 

What better way to catch up with everyone than a little link up with Shay today for What's up Wednesday! Here's what we've been up to :)

What we're eating this week...
My mama's food!! We have been spoiled this past week with her yummy food. I made my homemade chicken enchiladas last night and they were a hit! Tonight in sure we will eat out after church. And I wish I could say I have a plan for Thursday-Sunday but...I don't ;)
What I'm reminiscing about...
Blake and I's 2 year anniversary is Sunday and so I have all the feels right now! I'm more in love with him now than I was then and I didn't think that would ever be possible. My heart might burst if I keep talking about it so here's some sweet pics from my favorite day :)

What I'm loving...
Blake and I recently got an espresso machine and I have at least 2 (large) cups a day. I'm obsessed and slightly addicted!  

What we've been up to...
We have busy per-usual! Lot's of traveling this month. Blake did his first big solo project at work and it just so happened to be in Dallas so we have spent a lot of time there this month. Lots of family time and time in the car! Judah is officially crawling and pulling up on everything and eating everything you put in front of him! He's changing so much so fast :(

Blake and I have also got to enjoy a few baby-free date nights! Those are so refreshing and nice.

What I'm dreading... 
Unpacking when we get back home later today...haha!

What I'm working on...
Blake and I recently gave up Instagram/Facebook. We are really working on focusing on each other more and Judah and our time with God. All the time we spend on social media a day is sickening and we really needed a break! So I'll be a little more absent on the Instagram front but I'll still be posting some on Snapchat so follow me there (ElishaKelch) if you want to keep up with us :)

What I'm excited about...
FALL!! September to me means fall and I'm so excited to get out the fall decor and for cooler temps. Give me all the pumpkin everything and that crisp fall air!

What I'm watching/reading...
I've been reading Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst and I'm l o v i n g it! I've also started doing the She Reads Truth studies again. I'm going through Mark study right now and it's so good.
As for watching, we are obsessed with The Office right now. Don't judge ;)

What I'm listening to...
The new Vertical Church Band album is so good! I think it's called Frontiers. I am also loving the new Housefires album! Yes and Amen, Build My Life and Seek First are my favorites from that album!

What I'm wearing... 
My new favorite shirt that I snagged during the NSale. I wear it all the time. It's SO soft and goes with everything. I can't wait to pair it with a sweater and booties this fall! It's on sale and you can find it here!

I've also been wearing my LuLaRoe leggings and I'm obsessed. They really are buttery soft.

What I'm doing this weekend...
Sunday Blake and I celebrate 2 years of being married and I have no idea what we are doing! haha. Come back to the blog Monday to read all about it :)

What I'm looking forward to next month...
Leaves falling, pumpkin spice lattes, etc. I may have a problem! 

What else is new...
I think I've covered it all.

Bonus question
What is your favorite summer to fall transitional piece in your closet?
I think I can narrow it down to 3 things...a scarf, booties and a black and white striped shirt. You can pair all those things together or separately with other items in your closet for some effortless fall looks!


  1. I have been meaning to purchase Uninvited. I think I wil pick it up tomorrow! Happy anniversary! Way to go on dropping FB and IG! My goal for September is less time for them. I have accounts associated with my blog and I don't want to give those up. Nice to meet you! Have a great start to September!

    1. I hope you picked it up! It is such a great read! Thank you, friend!

  2. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I will have been married four years in December.. it goes by so fast!!


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