21 weeks & we're having a BOY!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We are so excited to announce that we are having a little boy! Surrounded by over 50 family & friends last Tuesday night, we popped a big balloon and blue confetti fell down & we were (and still are) overjoyed! 

I had said the whole time that I never thought I had that "mommy feeling" of knowing if he was a girl or boy, but one of my friends reminded me that I've said boy from the beginning! So I guess I just knew...along with the rest of our family and friends! There were only a handful that thought girl. 

Now we are 21 weeks (more than halfway!!) with our sweet little boy and the anxiousness to meet him is at an all time high. If you see me, please remind me to enjoy the rest of this time being pregnant! I know I'll miss it once he is here.

How far along? 21 weeks!

Sleep? Getting much better! I can't complain :)

Symptoms? Pretty much nothing! The past few weeks have been a breeze :)

Cravings? Ketchup & ice cream/milk are still going strong! 

Miss anything? Nothing at all! It's been a great few weeks :)

Gender? BOY!!! I'm so excited to be a boy mom!

Names? Judah Beau Kelch :) lets hope we don't change our minds....

Best part of this last week? Feeling our little guy kick all the time! I always thought I would think it was weird and I wouldn't like it, but it's my favorite thing :) 

What you're looking forward to: Starting to decorate his nursery! I'm so excited to start that whole process :)

Verse you're leaning on this week:

I was thinking about how incredibly blessed we have been through our journey becoming parents and this verse came to mind. We serve a God that gives us these gifts even when we don't deserve them. I thank The Lord for this gift of getting to become a momma, and I pray I'll always remember that we don't deserve this life, but God, full of mercy and grace, gave us this blessing, and for that we are thankful. 

Here's some pictures from our gender reveal party! My very sweet & talented friend over at izzyclarkphotography.com took these beauties! Y'all head on over to her site to check out her work and book a session with her :) 

Blakes grandma was SO excited that we are having boy! 

Me to Blake: "I told you it was a boy!"

Our first gift for Judah Beau! From our sweet friend Rachel. Love the maroon (gig 'em)

Proud daddy :)

Love my sweet grandma and momma! My momma made our cake! She is so talented!

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