24 Weeks

Monday, September 14, 2015

We are 24 weeks today with little Judah! He is about the size of an eggplant and his taste buds are developing. He has been kicking like crazy lately and momma and daddy love it! We actually saw him move yesterday for the first time! He is just in there karate chopping away.

He gets pretty shy when anyone other than Blake tries to feel him move. He will be kicking away and then as soon as someone tries to feel him, he stops! Little stinker :)

Almost can't see my feet! My toes are about 
the only thing I can see these days. Unless 
Blake cooks a really yummy dinner, then my
feet magically disappear ;)
We already love our little guy so much and can't wait for him to be here! 

Here's a little bumpdate for y'all!

How far along? 24 weeks

Sleep? Just in the past week I've noticed myself getting more and more tired. Also, sleeping through the night is a very rare occurrence. Judah likes to kick a lot all through the night and it often wakes me up! But I guess that's a pretty good reason :)

Symptoms? Back pain is real, y'all. 

Cravings? I'm still wanting milk pretty regularly. I haven't had a craving that has lasted through my whole pregnancy! Just lots of random ones. This week it was steamed green beans and cheese fries...oops :)

Miss anything? Being able to sleep on my stomach! 

Gender? Boy boy boy :)

Names? We are sticking with Judah Beau!

Best part of this last week? Blake and I have been able to spend so much time together this past week and that has been so nice! Even in the busy seasons of life God provides that time you need with one another and I'm very thankful for that.

What you're looking forward to: I know we still have a while, but I can't wait to hold our little guy! 

Verse you're leaning on this week: I don't really have a specific verse for this week but really just the story of Abraham stuck out to me so much as we were going over it yesterday in Sunday school. We were just reflecting on how God provides even when we can't see it coming. God told Abraham to sacrifice his son and without even questioning God, Abraham prepared to do so. The angel of The Lord called out to Abraham and told him to not even lay a hand on his son, because of his great faith and obedience to God.Then The Lord provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of his son. Abraham was faithful and obedient to God and God was faithful and provided for Abraham! One of the first questions one of my good friends asked me when we told her we were expecting was, "Now, how do you view God sending his son to die on the cross for us?" I told her I had already thought of that and that I could not imagine having to give up our one and only little boy for a bunch of sinners like me. I don't think I could do it, or do what Abraham did either. What great faith he had! His story has always been one of my favorites in The Bible, and it's awesome how God takes stories you have heard a million times and applies them to your life in the here and now. I'm thankful for a God who meets me where I am! All praise and glory to Him.

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