& baby makes three

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

We are so thankful to be adding this little bundle of joy to our family in January! Only is it by Gods grace that we get to embark on this journey with Him, knowing and seeking Him in ways we never have before. Praise God for this sweet little blessing!

We have so many different emotions going through our heads - we are excited, nervous, scared, anxious, but mostly excited!

We plan on sharing this journey with y'all through our blog so that one day we can look back on this season of life and have words, pictures & memories to remember.

We had been trying to get pregnant since December, and found out April 28th that we were expecting! I was about 4 weeks along and here's our first little bumpie pic we took the day after we found out! Plus a few more to catch y'all up to where we are now.
Today I am 10 weeks 1 day and our sweet little Baby K is growing and growing! I'm still in shock by how much I'm showing so early, but secretly, I love it :)

So now here's a fun little bumpdate for y'all!
How far along? 10 weeks & 1 day

Sleep? I want to all day, everyday. I'm constantly exhausted. But I know it's worth it :)

Symptoms? Morning sickness that either lasts all day or just hits me at night right when I lay down to sleep.

Cravings? I've had so many random cravings. So far they have been; Chickfila sweet tea & fries, Oreos & pickles (yes, at the same time), and BBQ! Blake and I may or may not have had it for lunch and dinner last Sunday. No shame.

Miss anything? Sushi, tea, and unhealthy amounts of coffee.

Gender? We obviously don't know yet, but we both think boy! Even though Blake wants a girl :)

Names? We already have them picked out, but aren't sharing yet!

Anything make you sick? Raw meat and sadly, black beans. If I even think about the smell of black beans I get sick. Also, I walked past chicken thawing out in our kitchen last week and threw up. Pregnancy can be weird, y'all.

What are you looking forward to?

Our next appointment because we get to hear our babies heartbeat again! Also we leave for vacation in a week and we are so excited for some much needed rest!

Verse you're leaning on this week:

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ESV

Pregnancy can be scary, especially in the first trimester. We are leaning on God and trusting in Him with all the "unknowns", although that's not always easy.

What we do know is we have a heathy, growing baby and we could not be more thankful for that.

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