Keep Austin Weird

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blake and I got to go on our first little weekend vacay together & by ourselves a couple of weekends ago! It was much needed and so much fun!

We originally picked Austin (if you know me at all you know this is not my favorite place in Texas due to the vast amount of burnt orange) because Blake was scheduled to lead worship at a church plant down there! But unfourtunatly the church plants last Sunday was the Sunday before we would be there.

Since we already had the hotel booked and of course I had our whole weekend written down and planned out, we decided to go anyway!

We drove through Waco so of course we had to stop at The Magnolia Market! We were sooo hoping to see Chip and Joanna, but unfourtunatly they weren't there :( They were getting their new trailer delivered/set up so it was cool to get to see inside that.


Blake and some of his groomsmen had gone to Austin for his Bachelor weekend, also so he could lead worship for the church plant. So he had a few places picked out that he for sure wanted to go to!

So our first stop in Austin was his pick! Root beer floats from Sandys! 
This cute little walk up/drive through place that serves everything from hamburgers to corn dogs and the best root beer floats! 

Side note: we may or may not have had a root beer float bar at our wedding. We are pretty big fans :)
On Saturday we got to sleep in until 8! That's a huge deal for us. It was so nice to get some much needed rest. 

Austin is much more crowded than I had remembered it being when I was younger. The lines to eat were insanely long wherever you went. So again, if you know me at all you know I just about lose it if what I have planned doesn't go as planned. I know, I'm working on it. 

So after driving around for way too long, we finally decided to eat at the original Torchys! My brother manages a Torchys but neither Blake or I have eaten there! It was ridiculously good. 

I've never been inside the Capitol Building so that was next on our list. Way deep down in my heart is a strong love for history. It was always my favorite subject! So getting to walk around in there and see all the old pictures was so fun! I loved it. 
Then we finally got the courage to brave the chaos they call South Congress Street. We both had a few places we wanted to look at and then head back to the hotel and get ready for dinner! 

How cute is this little cupcake van!? I loved all the food trucks. Such a cool idea. 
We got the chance to meet up for dinner with a sweet couple that Blake and I love and their kids! They were so encouraging to us and it was so nice to laugh and talk and relate with another married couple! That's one thing that Blake and I are so thankful for! Having couples going through the same stages of life as us and us getting to point one another towards Christ. It's truly a blessing. 
After dinner we finally got to try out the ice cream place I had been talking about all day! Lick Honest Ice Creams

They use local, whole, and pure ingredients. I got the Roasted Beets & Mint with the Texas Au Lait. It was insanely good. Blake got the Cilantro & Lime with the Caramel Salt Lick and he loved it! 

We also found out that we could but them in pints here in Dallas at Whole Foods! Score! 


I am so thankful that we have time to get away and do fun weekends like this! They are much needed. I'm also thankful for a very patient husband who loves me even when I get way too upset just because our plans don't go as planned. 

Here's to many more weekend trips and good eats with the Kelchs! 

Be looking out tomorrow for a recipie for some from scratch, mixed berry muffins over on my foodie blog!

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