Friday Favorites | Photo Every Hour Edition

Friday, April 29, 2016

I'm linking up with Andrea and Amanda for Friday Favorites today! I thought I would switch it up a bit this week and do something different!


One of my favorite posts to read from other bloggers is A Day in the Life type posts. I thought I would switch it up and do a Photo Every Hour post and see how it goes! Maybe I'll start doing them once or twice a month. We'll see :)

8:00 am
Blakes alarm goes off and I wake up and he doesn't. So what do I do? Roll back over and get some snuggles in before he gets up to get ready for work. We love our sleep around here!

9:00 am 
Blake is ready and off to work for the day. Insert crying face because I miss him so much while he's gone :( #obsessivewifeprobs 

I also get up and make my coffee, eat a banana, empty the dishwasher and clean up the living room/kitchen a bit. 

Also, Judah bug is still snoozing away! Like I said, we like our sleep! 

10:00 am
Someone finally decided to wake up! 
Cue diaper change and feed the hungry guy! I also flip back and forth from The View and Kathy Lee and Hoda! (I only still watch The View because I love Candice!)

11:00 am 
Annnnd he's asleep again! I made some more coffee and swept the floors then snuggled my little love :) 

12:00 pm 
Judah is still napping and I watch Cristine Caines session from Passion 2016. I love listening to her speak! 

1:00 pm 
Someone is awake, happy and HUNGRY!! Eating time for Judah Beau :) 

We played and talked and played and mama snacked on some veggie sticks. #imaddicted 

2:00 pm
He's out again. I have a bad (or good, whatever) habit of holding Judah while he sleeps. I LOVE his snuggles and just like Andrea says, babies don't keep. 

Right before Judah woke up I started to take my coffee cup to the kitchen and I spilled it all over our white rug. I almost cried...any and all tips on how to get a giant coffee stain out of a white, fluffy rug are welcome. 

3:00 pm
Judah is up and ready to eat again. He has started teething and he's not eating as much as he normally does so he is hungry more often. He almost finished this bottle so I was pretty happy about that! #ineedtopaintmynails

4:00 pm
FaceTime date with Nana!! 

5:00 pm 
Time to cook dinner! Pioneer woman pork chops, smashed red potatoes and roasted veggies are on the menu tonight. Substitute my pork chop for a taco because homegirl doesn't like pork. 

6:00 pm
Blake is home and it's time to eat for all 3 of us! (Don't worry, no pork chips for Judah this time!) 

Greys Anatomy time. 

8:00 pm
I took a shower and these guys hung out :) love these two! Also, where did Blake's beard go?? He took a shower before me and when he got out it was gone. #cryface

9:00 pm
Playtime with Judah Beau :) 

Be still my heart!!! 

10:00 pm 
We are in bed and ready to get our sleep on! 

That's our super exciting photo every hour! 

Confessional Thursday

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Today I'm linking up with Jessica for my very first Confessional Thursday post! I hope you're ready for lots of random confessions!

These are my confessions... (cue Usher song lol)

I'm absolutely terrified of birds...yes, birds. When I was little I had a little run in with those scary black birds (crows??) when I was playing in my sandbox...the rest is history. 

I hate folding laundry...I use to love doing/folding laundry before I got married. Then my laundry doubled (or tripled...who's counting) and now I don't mind throwing the clothes in to wash, but folding them is not my fav. Sometimes they will sit for a day in the dryer because #aintnobodygottimeforthat 

My least favorite thing to cook is chicken...even though it's probably my favorite meat to eat. I'm terrified of eating raw/uncooked chicken and I typically end up cooking it way to long due to that fear. (Sorry hubs)

I love being a's everything I ever thought it would be and more. I love my sweet boy and I don't know how we did life before he was in it. 

I really want to try Pure Barre...I want/need to get back into working out after having Judah and this workout looks so fitting for me! Have any of you tried/have advice??

I sometimes use my babies bath time wash when I take a shower...please tell me I'm not alone in this?? It smells SO good and sometimes, you just want to feel all soft and smell good...or like a baby...whatever. 

I make myself a cup of coffee every morning...and I have to pop it in the microwave M U L T I P L E times to heat it back up because I never have time to sit and drink a whole cup of coffee. #mamalife

I'm addicted to my Bravo shows...real housewives (like all of them, y'all) and Southern Charm are my favorites right now. It's a bad addiction. Can't. Stop. Watching.

Also linking up with Annie.

Whats Up Wednesday

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Y'all, life has been SO busy lately. We have had something going on every single night for weeks now so blogging has definitely been put on the back burner.

Blake is officially not working from home anymore (waaahhh insert cry face here) and I'm officially a stay at home mama to our sweet Judah! I'm trying to get a schedule together for our days and make time for blogging but some days, you just gotta cuddle your baby, ya know??

So  I'm linking up with Shay to share a little of what we have been up to!

What we're eating this week...
Monday was casserole night at our LifeGroup meeting and I made this "Cracked Out Chicken Casserole". It was so good! Tuesday we had chicken tostadas, and tonight we will probably have leftovers! Thursday I'm going to attempt to make pork chops (I'm not a big pork fan). Not sure about Friday! 

What I'm reminiscing about...
Around this time last year I remember feeling really beat down about not being pregnant yet. Little did I know that a few weeks later we would find out that we we're expecting! Now I'm sitting on my couch with my baby boy in my lap, working on this blog post. God is SO good!

What I'm loving...
I have finally found a self tanner that I LOVE! I have to share it with y'all. Jergens Natural Glow Instant Sunless Tanning Mousse works wonders, y'all. I am pastey white and after one use I'm already SO tan. I put it on after I get out of the shower and it dries in 1 minute. I can immediately get dressed and it doesn't rub off on my clothes. I apply baby powder (lightly) in the creases of my arms and the back of my legs after applying the foam just to insure that the tan doesn't rub off in those areas or get splotchy. It also doesn't fade too much after you shower. Just reapply and it builds a really even and pretty tan! I can't get enough of it. 

What we've been up to...
Y'all, we have been b u s y. Like I said above, we have something planned almost every night of the week. Lot's of fun things have been happening in the midst of our busyness though!

We have had a lot of family in and out this month! Family time is the best :) our little guy is SO loved!

This is what our faces looked like after buying a new bed. Don't let Blake's face fool you, he was more excited than I was. 

Blake and I left Judah together for the first time over the weekend. We went to Kroger to pick up a few things to make my dad a dessert he wanted. This is a big deal for this mama that has bad separation anxiety from her baby!

We live about 25 minutes from a little town called Wimberley. It is the cutest little town with an adorable town square with a lot of great shopping spots! We had fun adventuring around this little Texas town! Even though Judah was not a fan of how hot it was that weekend! Welcome to Texas, little guy.

What I'm dreading...
Our church started LifeGroups 4 weeks ago and the last week for this session is next week. We are so bummed about it ending! Our group has decided we are all still going to try to meet a couple of times during the month and hangout with each other and our kiddos! We love Monday nights with our LifeGroup! & Judah loves to swing after we are done with Bible study :)

What I'm working on...
I'm officially a SAHM and most of my days look like this...
I love being home with my little man! Mama needs a schedule though. I have found a few ideas on Pinterest but I was wanting to see if any of you had any ideas on daily/weekly SAHM schedules! Any and all tips are welcome!

What I'm excited about...
Our family vacation this year! We are still deciding between two places. Both have lots of fun things to do and see, and we are excited about our first real vacation as a family of 3! 

What I'm watching/reading...
We are still hooked on Scandal. That show has me all kinds of confused. One minutes I want Olivia to be with Fitz and the next I'm yelling at the TV because they're both being confusing. Gotta love Shonda, am I right?? I've also been watching lots of Southern Charm and RHOD. Being from Dallas I had high hopes for this Real Housewives season, but I'm kind of let down at the moment. Leanne drives me Bonkers. 

I've been looking into a few books to start reading in May and I'm torn between these three. 

Have any of you read these or have any other recommendations??

What I'm listening to...
Lots of Grady Spencer & The Work. They are a band from Ft. Worth and Blake and I use to go to church with the drummer! They have such a good sound and I literally listen to them all day long on repeat. 

What I'm wearing... 
There is a few things I have been obsessed with lately. 

Old Navy's Pixie Pants. I have an addiction. I told Blake that I never want to wear jeans again and just have these in every color/print. They are SO comfy y'all. 

Here's me with one of my favorite HS Seniors in the pink pair I have.
Here are the yellow printed pair I have. I'm obviously a huge fan of my chambray shirt, too. I wear it like...everyday. #oops

I got this adorable sweater/shirt from Old Navy as well and I love it. It says "More than all the stars in the sky." That's how much I love that little hunk :) 
P.S. It was .94 cents on the clearance rack. ALWAYS check the clearance rack, ladies!! My pants are also Old Navy Active pants that I got for $6 on the clearance rack. 

So basically, I've been wearing Old Navy's entire store. Whatev. I also got my first pair of LuLaRoe leggings and all the rumors are true. They. Are. Butter. So soft!

What I'm doing this weekend...
Blake is leading worship for our Kids Conference and I'm helping out with the checking in/registration side of things. We are so excited to see God work in the lives of lots of kiddos this weekend!

What I'm looking forward to next month...
Hopefully not being so busy! Also it's my first official Mothers Day as a mama and I'm pretty excited about that :)

What else is new...
This dude is just growing like a weed. He will be 4 months old in a few days and my mama heart can't take how big he is getting. Where has my tiny baby gone??

Judah Beau | 3 Months

Monday, April 4, 2016

Our little bug is 3 months old today! Everyday is so much fun with him and I hardly remember what life was like without him in it! We love you to the moon and back bubba!

At 3 months, Judah Beau... still in size 1 diapers

...Is wearing mostly 3 month clothes. We are about to have to move up to 3-6 month jammies though because boy is LONG!

...officially rolled over for the first time on March 16th! Nana was changing his diaper and there he went! Stinker ;)

...stayed in a hotel for the first time! If he had it his way, he would've had that whole king sized bed to himself! to meet his great-papaw. This was such a sweet, special moment I will never forget! 

...LOVES tummy time! He is all smiles and just talks and talks! still such a great sleeper! His last feeding is always around 10pm and he will sleep until 8 or 9am. Bubba loves his sleep!

...has started to chew on anything and everything! We definitely think he is in the beginning stages of teething, and taking it like a champ!

...loves to "talk" and "sing"! He is SO talkative which is so funny because neither Blake or I are very talkative people. We love his little noises :)

...loves to be standing up and looking around! He's kinda nosey and SO cute!!! ;)

...celebrated his very first Easter! 

...LOVES playing on his play mat! He has one that has mesh around it with little balls in it for him to kick and he just kicks and kicks and kicks! He has so much fun :)

...loves bath time! I will never forget those first couple of weeks of bathing him and feeling so bad because he would cry the whole time! Now he cries when it's time to get out :)

...thinks its so funny when you tickle his tummy or pretend to eat his toes. 

...loves playing "airplane" with dada :)

...loves his mama, but this boy is his Daddy's mini me! I love them so much. 

...loves to stare at mama and dada and their food while they eat! He wants some of that guac :) a snuggle bug! I hope he never grows out of this.

...his hands are fascinating to him. He looks at them all day! Well, when he isn't trying to eat them he looks at them :) He loves holding onto toys and playing with his toes! still such a smiley boy. We can't get enough of that smile!

Quick Side-note: This silly snapchat filter made me think of our boy, as a teenager playing baseball! Why does he look so old :( Feel free to stay little forever, bubba!

We love you Judah Beau! You bring so much joy to our lives daily and we thank God for blessing us with you every day. This past month has been so much FUN with you and mama and dada can't wait for even more fun to come.

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