Okay...that was the fastest 182 days EVER. An entire half of a year has gone by since we had our Judah and I can't believe it! I keep telling Blake that these past 6 months just flew by and I can'y imagine how fast the next 6 will!
Where did my tiny baby go??
A 6 months, Judah Beau...
...weighs 15lbs 10oz.
...is 25.7 inches long.
...is in size 3 diapers.
...can still wear some of his 3 month clothes but is mostly in 6-9 month now!
...still loves his sleep. 8-10 hours a night, can I get an amen??
...is drinking 6oz every 3 hours and eating purees! His favorite is still carrots but we are about to start trying more green veggies and hopefully he will like them.
...is still a little rolly-polly! There's no leaving him alone anywhere because he will roll off of anything he is on!
...sits up so well on his own and is even trying to sit up from laying down!
...is almost army crawling. He tries so hard to get moving but can't quite figure it out yet.
...is definetly a belly sleeper. Lately he doesn't want to sleep unless he is on his belly! I guess it's time to move him to the pack in play in our room :( #imnotready
...loves his jumpers. He has one that hangs from the doorway and another one that sits up off the floor and he has finally figured out how to jump in them! He giggles and thinks it is hilarious, we do too :)
...studies his toys and gives them the "what is this thing" look and loves to play, play, play! He is such a busy boy and the days of sitting with him with nothing entertaining him are long gone.
...makes all the sweetest and funniest noises along with lots of belly laughs (only from dada, though.) He's loud! Which is so funny because Blake and I both are pretty quiet people.
...said his first word...mama. He has been saying "mamamama" for a long time now when he is fussing but the other night (July 4th) we were laying in bed playing and he just said "MAMA!" and then my heart exploded. Then he said it again, and again, and again.
...recognizes faces now. When we FaceTime Blakes grandparents or my parents and he see their faces he lights up like a Christmas tree and has the biggest smile! So, so sweet!
...is still teething. Those bottom teeth are giving him all kinds of trouble! He will chew on anything he can't his hands on. I think they will come through sometime this month!
...hates having his diaper changed. He is like a little flopping fish now whenever we try to change him.
...went swimming for the first time! He loves it! He is our little fish.
...also had watermelon for the first time. Cutest. Thing. Ever.
...loves, loves, loves his dada. He will be fussy or crying (which isn't often) and I can say "Judah, where's dada?" and he will immediately stop. All I have to do is start talking about his dada and he is okay :)
Judah has really started getting a big personality this month and it is so much fun. I love watching him sit and play/explore all his toys and learn new things. Watching him do those things is one of the best things about being a mama, I think!
We love that big, open mouth smile of yours, when you wrinkle your little nose up to "flirt", all the giggles, laughs, loud "talking", we love it all. Watching you grow is SO much fun and going through all of life's new adventures with you is better than we ever thought it would be. You are our greatest joy, sweet boy! We love you more than words could ever say! Now feel free to slow down with all the growing up so quickly ;)
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